Stop Separation & Divorce

Stop Separation and Divorce Expert Services in New Zealand

Increasingly, a couple seeking a divorce is on the rinse. If any person (husband/wife) is facing strong and harsh chances of the unwanted divorce, no matter what the reasons are, he/she can avail fast and flawless services of our world-famous astrologer Bharathraj for the ultimate purpose of promptest and safest solutions.

The time of marriage, and past karma all force you to plunge into bad decision making. Permanent separation may not be the solution. Our astrologer Bharathraj knows the exact cure to remedy the situation.

Astrologer Bharathraj thoroughly studies the birth charts to understand the malevolent and benevolent planets, to determine the imperfections in the chart leading to marital problems. We also commit the rituals and pujas to specify the effect of such imperfections and inauspicious time to assuage the relationship.